Rose Cox


Rose Cox has a diverse array of life experience that many of us will never face or may experience much later in life, having been a Young Carer for over 13 years.

Rose has provided care in the past for her father who suffers from depression, anxiety and alcohol dependencies. She occasionally provides advice to the NSW Mental Health Commission. Rose also has a presence in the disability sector, sitting on the NSW Carers Advisory Council and has been since 2015. Rose currently provides care alongside her sister Stella to their mother who lives with a physical disability and as a result is confined to an electric wheelchair.

Rose’s first engagement with the Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation was in 2009, when she was referred to the program as a child. Over the past 12 years Rose has continued to be involved in the organisation. First, as a program participant – a kid just trying to be a kid, attending activity days and camps. Then in 2014, Rose became the Foundation’s first Young Ambassador. She graduated the program in 2016 but that was not the end. Since 2018, Rose has also transitioned into the role as a volunteer and assists with activity days.

Outside of Kookaburra Kids, Rose sits on the management committee for Burwood Community Welfare Services, is a Director for Ubelong here, is a  EPPP & VET ambassador for the NSW Training Awards and sits on a committee for the Southern and South Western Sydney NSW Training Awards. Rose is currently pursuing her studies at a tertiary level, whilst also working part-time.

Rose is a true testament to the power of resilience, support and early intervention. Her future is bright and she aims to utilise her life experiences to shape the lives of others.…/rose-cox…/bd16e72e960089e87fe6d5f70c35e180
