
Delivered in partnership with the Bupa Foundation throughout Australia in 2024, Regenerate is an emotionally and environmentally regenerative program for young people impacted by family mental illness that will see camps, activity days and online connect sessions delivered in 2024 – helping approximately 1,000 young people.

This innovative pre-early intervention initiative aims to empower young individuals impacted by family mental illness by providing them with unique opportunities to enhance their mental health, resilience, and environmental awareness.

Upcoming Activities


Registered families can book here

To make a referral, please click here

Regenerate is generously supported by the Bupa Foundation.


To participate in Regenerate, a referred child must have a parent/caregiver or sibling with a mental illness however no formal diagnosis is necessary. Please register here to participate.

Benefits of Nature Based Mental Health Education

At the Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation we have strong commitment to creating positive mental health outcomes for young people to help them thrive beyond the impacts of mental illness. Recently, we have expanded our current program offering based on research demonstrating the importance of nature-based interventions in improving the mental health and wellbeing of young people.

For more information on this and the research that supports it can be found here.

Principal Partner


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